We have found some great banner websites that are free. These websites offer paid advertising spots on the websites. The majority of the banners are free to place. Simply upload your banner and link using the Submit Banner link at the top of the website. They have hit counters so you can see how many people are seeing your banners. Many also rank your banner based on outbound clicks. It’s great. You can see where your customers are going and how you can get them to come to you.

We recommend creating and submitting your own banner so you have creative control. Some sites allow you to upload text about your website and a link if you don’t want to use or don’t have artwork. Some sites will make you a banner (sometimes for an additional fee) which you can use elsewhere, too. What could be better than that?

Many of these sites give your listing an ID# that you can reference on your homepage with one of their nifty graphics. Using the ID# they assign to your banner will make sure that visitors who click their reciprocal link on your homepage will click through to your banner. Many businesses are joining several of these sites to get backlinks and to arrange a sort of cluster of sites you can find them on. For example, one cannabis shop uses three of the websites (Cannatop100, DaBomb Site, and the Pharoah of Cannabis). They use the free graphics found on the site, the site url, and their link id# to say that they can be found on these sites in a widget on their home page. Each of these websites has free support that can walk you through the process to get it on your website, too!

Anyway here’s a list of some great banner and link sites to get you business more traffic and more back links.

By Free Cannabis Directory

The Free Cannabis Directory is the first free directory of cannabis businesses.